I've been trying to learn photography for a long time and at last, It seems that I've got someting to show. I'm so pleased to give it to you. I hope you can enjoy seeing it as I've enjoyed taking them.
He estat intentant aprendre a fer fotografies durant molt de temps i sembla que per fi tinc alguna cosa que mostrar. Espero que gaudeixis de veure-les tant com he gaudit jo de fer-les.

Old 2016 photo by Cesc Casanova taken in my first travel at Fes.
I'm mathematician and works as IT architect. Photography is one of my two ways of active meditation (the other is tantra and is outside of this explanation). I like photography since I can remember. I did few tries to introduce myself in this world but, I finally begun to waste enough time, money and neurones (learning as much as I can) in 2016 when I can afford buying my camera an start doing photography travels with Jordi Ferrando. Since then, I've been in 13 trips and so many courses related to photography from socket flash illumination to nude photography through portraits, stop motion, creative photography and much more.
I bough this webpage domain names about 5 years ago (2019) if I'm not wrong but, until now (June 2024) I've been avoiding the huge task of selecting what I want to share with the world but finally a I did it using part of my old page on 500px.
Please see that as a gift I want to share with every body who wants to enjoy it, it's a gift that live gave me few time ago allowing me to have this view of the world and remembering me that I'm so lucky to be able to get it and share it.
I bough this webpage domain names about 5 years ago (2019) if I'm not wrong but, until now (June 2024) I've been avoiding the huge task of selecting what I want to share with the world but finally a I did it using part of my old page on 500px.
Please see that as a gift I want to share with every body who wants to enjoy it, it's a gift that live gave me few time ago allowing me to have this view of the world and remembering me that I'm so lucky to be able to get it and share it.
Soc matematic i treballo com a arquitecte de IT. La fotografia es una de les meves dues formes de meditació activa (l'altre es el tantra i està fora del abast d'aquesta explicació). M'ha agradat la fotografia des de que tinc memòria, de fet vaig fer diferents intents d'apropar-me a aquest món durant la meva vida però, finalment al any 2016 vaig començar a malgastar el meu temps, diners i neurones (aprenent tot el que he pogut) i vaig poder comprar la meva càmera i començar a fer viatges de fotografia amb el Jordi Ferrando. Des d'aquell moment he pogut fer 13 viatges i uns quant cursos de fotografia que van des de il.il·luminació amb Flaix a nu artístic passant per retrat de caràcter, stop motion, fotografia creativa i bastants altres.
Vaig comprar els noms dels dominis per aquesta pàgina fa 5 anys (2019) si no em falla la memòria però, fins ara (Juny del 2024) he estat evitant la feixuga tasca de seleccionar el que volia compartira amb la resta del món.Finalment ho he fet aprofitant coses de la meva antiga pagina a 500px.
Vaig comprar els noms dels dominis per aquesta pàgina fa 5 anys (2019) si no em falla la memòria però, fins ara (Juny del 2024) he estat evitant la feixuga tasca de seleccionar el que volia compartira amb la resta del món.Finalment ho he fet aprofitant coses de la meva antiga pagina a 500px.
Us demano si us plau que veieu això com un regal que voldria compartir amb tothom que vulgui gaudir-ho, un regal que vaig rebre fa temps enrere permetent-me tenir una visió diferent del mon i recordant-me la gran sort que tinc de poder-la tenir i compartir.